Chapter Activity Reports

So Much to Celebrate!

So Much to Celebrate!

Author: Samantha Harris/Saturday, April 16, 2016/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, Fundraising, Service to College or Campus, Promotion of Agriculture, Service to Community, Chapter Development, Fellowship, North Carolina

The NC Chapter of Alpha Zeta worked to finish off our spring semester with a bang! Last week, many brothers participated in Sigma Alpha’s annual Swing-a-thon to raise money for Ag in the Classroom. Each brother that participated donated $10 and got to swing out on our Brickyard in the middle of campus. This weekend has proved to be a busy one for the NC Chapter. A group of brothers toured a local brewery Friday night and another group is planning to tour the Sunset Ridge Buffalo farm this coming Sunday. Brothers went out on Saturday to participate in Farm day at CORRAL again this weekend.  Our Chapter tries to get a group of brothers to participate at as many farm days as possible to give CORRAL a helping hand! In the midst of all this we are also preparing for our Founder’s Day Celebrations next weekend. At our meeting this past Wednesday, we voted in our new officer board for the 2016-2017 school year. We are so excited to see everything that this officer board will accomplish! Congratulations to those elected!


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