Chapter Activity Reports

October 22nd : “Marcha Rosada” Breast Cancer Awareness March

Author: Santiago Acosta Gonzalez/Sunday, January 24, 2016/Categories: New Member Development, Alumni Relations, Service to Community, Fellowship, Puerto Rico

The First official activity! On October 22nd the University of Puerto Rico celebrated its annual Breast Cancer Awareness March or “Marcha Rosada”, which translates to “Pink March”. Our new committee members marched while holding up AZ’s coat of arms with great pride.


This caught the attention of various faculty members of the Department of Agricultural Sciences participating in the march. A couple of minutes into the march they approached and told us that they too are AZ members and asked us if we minded if they joined us. Of course we accepted and thus past and present generations got to share stories regarding all of the wonderful experiences that AZ provided them with.


All in all a great afternoon full of pink shirts, reminiscence for past member and high hopes for current members, and most important of all, coming together to support a good cause.


P.S. Due to the blogs inability to display photos, I will be providing links from our Facebook page for those whom wish to see the activities pictures.

Photos here:


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