Chapter Activity Reports

Spring Into Action-Montana Chapter

Spring Into Action-Montana Chapter

Spring has been a busy time here at Montana State!

Author: Krysta Quale/Monday, April 6, 2015/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, New Member Development, Chapter Development, Montana

Spring semester has been busy for the Montana Chapter.  We had yet another initiation where we gained 8 new members with degrees from across the College of Ag including; Animal Science, Equine Science, Crop Science, and AgEd-Relations.  We also were fortunate enough to receive the CHS grant in order to send two of our members, Krysta Quale and Dana Dale, to NALC in Raleigh, NC.  They came back with many stories to share, and ideas from other chapters to make our chapter more successful in the future.  We also will be electing new officers at our next meeting on April 15th, and cleaning up the creek that runs through campus.  We have moved further in our development as a chapter, and it will only grow from here thanks to NALC and our members!

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