Chapter Activity Reports

NC Farm

NC Farm

Author: Jamie DeRose/Wednesday, February 11, 2015/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog, New Member Development, North Carolina

The Farm is the conclusion of New Member Education Week.  The candidates worked together in a chaotic situation to obtain the rest of the required signatures.  This semester, Frank Scott and his family invited us to hold the event at his farm.  The evening began with a home cooked dinner of pork tenderloin, beans, potatoes, green beans, and dessert.  After, we played “Ag-Olympics,” which included games of tug-of-war, dizzy bat, an egg toss, and a three legged race.  These games allow the Alphas and Zetas to compete against each other and have fun at the same time.  Our “branding ceremony” followed, where the candidates branded a block of wood with the AZ Brand around a campfire.  Next, they answered questions asked by the Officers and attempted to obtain the rest of their signatures, while working together to accomplish this.  After a certain amount of time passed, we all went back to campus and the 5 remaining candidates finally became Brothers!  Each new brother was given a gift, and we took family pictures at the end of the night.  Farm night is the most chaotic night of the week, but it starts a new chapter in the life of the candidates.


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