Chapter Activity Reports

AZP "Run for their Lives" 5k

AZP "Run for their Lives" 5k

Originally posted by Grace E. Poling

Author: Alpha Zeta/Thursday, October 31, 2013/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

In honor of two of our alumni, we host an annual 5K to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and Parkinson's Disease research.  We also have a representative from the Be the Match Foundation present to talk about bone marrow donation.  This year we raised $350 dollars and the Be the Match Foundation received an $80 donation and 3 new donors.  We provide runners with t-shirts and door prizes as an incentive to come out to the race.  Planning for the 5K starts in the summer to reserve the track and start getting donations and we advertise to the student body and faculty starting in September.

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