Chapter Activity Reports

New Member Mixer 1

New Member Mixer 1

Originally posted by Halli M. James

Author: Alpha Zeta/Sunday, October 27, 2013/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

On September 11, Cook AZ held the first brotherhood mixer, which provided both potential new members and brothers the chance to formally meet each other for the first time. This was an opportunity for perspective new members to learn more about Alpha Zeta, what we stand for, and who we are. Potential new members first met the members of the e-board in order to learn more general facts about the Fraternity of Alpha Zeta and to learn about our history with Rutgers University and the surrounding community. Potential new members then met with both Scholarship and Pledge committees where they were informed about the requirements for initiation and their obligations to the fraternity. Afterwards, the potential new members were introduced to the brothers so that the brothers themselves could provide a more personal account with the potential new members. Ice breakers and other small games were used to further bring the potential new members and the brothers closer. By interacting with the brothers, the potential new members were able to consider whether or not they wished to pledge to the fraternity. On the other hand, this event also gave brothers an opportunity to meet the potential new members so that they could decide on what kind of a little they might be interested to have.

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