Chapter Activity Reports

Welcoming Prospective Members

Welcoming Prospective Members

Originally posted by Beatriz Rodriguez-Rivera

Author: Alpha Zeta/Wednesday, October 16, 2013/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

Alpha Zeta-Cal Epsilon faced a full house on Wednesday, October 9th, when the chapter welcomed potential new members at our latest meeting. Chancellor Jodi Raley gave a warm, brief, welcome speech and it was business as usual.

Committee chairs took the stage and announced several events for the chapter to take note of, such as community service events, professional development events, and fundraising ideas. Potential and current members were able to learn more about one another through a fun mixer, every member took a desirable amount of toilet paper and offered a fun fact about themselves for every square they had. The meeting warped up with final discussions on old business and a group chapter photo.

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