Chapter Activity Reports

2nd General Meeting of Fall 13

2nd General Meeting of Fall 13

Originally posted by Adriana M. Dubbelde

Author: Alpha Zeta/Tuesday, October 8, 2013/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

Members of the Wilson Alpha Zeta Chapter met on the evening of Tuesday, October 18, 2013 for the second meeting of the fall semester. After our president, Rebecca Ahlers, called the room to order, we had a short presentation from Leigh Adcock, a representative from the Women, Food, and Agriculture Network (WFAN). We learned that the mission of WFAN is, "To link and empower women to build food systems and communities that are healthy, just, sustainable, and that promote environmental integrity.” Leigh explained WFAN to the chapter as follows, "A community of women that give each other the information, connections, and encouragement they need to be effective practitioners and supporters of sustainable agriculture and healthy localized food systems.” Although WFAN’s has members across the United States, most of their work is completed in the Midwest. WFAN is a unique, inspiring agricultural organization, and we are glad Leigh took time out of her busy schedule to share it with us. After Leigh’s presentation, we moved into officer reports. There, the banquet date and time were confirmed and all members were reminded to pay local and national dues. We also made an amendment to our constitution, regarding advisor terms. After officer reports, committee reports were given, and advisor comments were made. Our next meeting will be November 12.

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