Chapter Activity Reports

NC Sends 16 Brothers to NALC

NC Sends 16 Brothers to NALC

Originally posted by Ashley J. Kirby

Author: Alpha Zeta/Tuesday, April 16, 2013/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

The North Carolina Chapter enjoyed another National Agricultural Leadership Conference on April 7th-9th in Ithaca, New York at Cornell University.  Rebekah Ray began organizing fundraising efforts as soon as she was appointed NALC committee chair. She and her committee sent letters out to alumni or organizations, helped our chapter receive a CHS grant, and made it possible for alumni to make online donations. The night before leaving, brothers gathered to decorate our banner with the "Locally Grown, Nationally Known” theme. We left campus around 2am on the 7th and enjoyed the scenic fifteen-hour drive. The brothers had a great time meeting folks from other chapters, learning about their traditions and how they differed from North Carolina.  Participants of the conference were able to attend excellent tours and professional development seminars.  Some of North Carolina’s members had the opportunity to play with goats at local farms, while others visited dairy farms and saw a necropsy at Cornell’s Vet School.  The professional development seminars included an officer roundtable and recruitment ideas led by members of the high council.  Brothers enjoyed workshops about New York’s Wine Industry and Yogurt Industry. Wonderful food was provided throughout the trip from Chobani yogurt to sheep cheese. At the banquet, North Carolina was proud to be recognized with Middaugh awards for Promotion of Agriculture and Fundraising We appreciate the hard work of the Cornell Chapter for organizing the conference and cannot wait to visit Iowa State next year!

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