Chapter Activity Reports

04.02.13 General Meeting

04.02.13 General Meeting

Originally posted by Adriana M. Dubbelde

Author: Alpha Zeta/Monday, April 8, 2013/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

On the evening of April 2nd, The Wilson Chapter called to order the last official meeting of the spring 2013 semester. We were honored to have Dean Wendy Wintersteen join us! Dean Wintersteen is the 10th Dean of Iowa State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and the focus of her speech was "finding passion,” as well as, "being purposeful in life.”

After hearing from Dean Wintersteen, officer and committee reports were then given. The VEISHEA committee has been busy planning our annual Pie Your Professor Event, to be held on April 19th, and the New Initiate and Banquet committees have been collaborating to plan bowling social for April 30th. An amendment regarding graduation cords was made to our constitution under Article II-Membership. (For more information, please visit Lastly, Bethany Olson, an active member of the Wilson Chapter, gave a short presentation promoting the International Collegiate Leadership Program.

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