Chapter Activity Reports

Reconnecting with our Alumni

Reconnecting with our Alumni

Originally posted by Aubrey B. Weibel

Author: Alpha Zeta/Thursday, April 4, 2013/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

Alumni Event has become a tradition at Alpha Zeta's Cook Chapter. We respect our alumni and are honored that they take time out of their lives to meet the new members and reconnect with brothers every semester over a delicious meal. This semester, Alumni Event was held at the East Grand Buffet on March 9, 2013 from 4pm-7pm. 30 or so alumni and about 50 brothers attended the event. We even saw a few older alumni come back that had lost touch with the chapter for several years. It was a wonderful evening filled with funny stories being told about the "good old days" and many of the new members left the event with a feeling of family and home. Dr. Paul Whichansky, an alumni from 1992 gave a speech that made the entire room roar with laughter and inspired us all to truly cherish our time in school and with our AZ brothers. Alumni event is truly one of those events where you feel how much of an impact this fraternity makes on the lives of many and it reinforces the sense of camaraderie between the the alumni, brothers, and new members. A favored event, it will continue for years to come because it was one of the most important events for new members to get to meet their families and the living history of Alpha Zeta's Cook Chapter.

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