Chapter Activity Reports

Farm and Nutrition Day - 2013

Farm and Nutrition Day - 2013

Originally posted by Monique M. Bienvenue

Author: Alpha Zeta/Wednesday, March 27, 2013/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

Not only did the Cal-Epsilon chapter celebrate Ag Week in style, but they also took the time to educate and inform hundreds of third graders at the annual Farm and Nutrition Day held at the Fresno Fair Grounds. 

We all know that math, science, english and social studies are all very important subjects that elementary school students need to educated on, but are they getting enough information about food? That answer, as well all know, is no. Fortunately, there are adventurous and passionate individuals within the Cal-Epsilon chapter that want nothing more than to spread ag awareness deep within the heart of the city. 

With ear-tag key chains that the Central Valley California Women for Agriculture chapter generously donated to the event, and with larger than life index cards depicting different foods - it was no surprise that child after child came to check out the AZ booth. Members from the Cal-Epsilon chapter held up the photos and asked the jovial individuals to name the food group represented, and before you knew it - hundreds of third graders knew about the different food groups and how each benefits them.

 A lot of time and effort went into the project, but overall, it was definitely a success. The Cal-Epsilon Chapter did an amAZing job with educating children about the importance of food and will continue to do so in the future. 


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