Chapter Activity Reports

NC Concludes Another Successful Agriculture Awareness Week

NC Concludes Another Successful Agriculture Awareness Week

Originally posted by Ashley J. Kirby

Author: Alpha Zeta/Sunday, March 24, 2013/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

On the last day of Ag Awareness Week, March 21st, we completed with the Kiss the Pig contest. All week we had mason jars out that had names of different campus celebrities on them. People put money in the jars to help their person to win and kiss the pig. The contestants included the new football coach, Dave Doeren, the new CALS Dean, Richard Linton, the student body president, Agri-Life Council president, and a rival Tarheel fan. At 1:30pm, we counted up the jars and it was a close contest between Dean Linton and Coach Doeren. We raised over $300 and Dean Linton ended up having to kiss the pig. He was a little scared but he gave it a big kiss on the snout! The funds raised from the event will go to the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. From 3:00pm to 7:00pm, about twenty brothers cleaned up the brickyard. Overall the week was a success and fun for all of the students on campus who learned something new about agriculture. An article about the week was featured in the student newspaper. A link to the article is below.

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