Chapter Activity Reports

2nd General Meeting of Spring 13

2nd General Meeting of Spring 13

Originally posted by Adriana M. Dubbelde

Author: Alpha Zeta/Tuesday, March 5, 2013/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

On the evening of February 26th, brothers of the Wilson Chapter came together for the second official meeting of the semester. Glen Rippke, from Empower Tanzania, was our guest speaker. He spoke to the chapter about the organization’s mission to improve education, health, and world development.  Rippke also shared possible service project ideas with our chapter. Following our speaker, the meeting continued on as normal. Officer reports were then given and committee goals were shared. We concluded the meeting by introducing a constitutional amendment in regards to purchasing graduation cords for senior associates. Our next meeting will be held on April, 2nd, and we are very exCYted to have Dean Wintersteen join us!

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