Chapter Activity Reports

Big Little Night!

Big Little Night!

Originally posted by Aubrey B. Weibel

Author: Alpha Zeta/Tuesday, February 26, 2013/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

On February 15, 2013, The Alpha Zeta Cook Chapter welcomed its new potential members.  On this night, the new members learn about the Alpha Zeta history and what the fraternity values.  This is the night they get to really meet the brothers of the fraternity.  It is also when the new members become "littles" when they get their "bigs", the older members of the fraternity.  Once they meet their bigs, the littles are introduced to the rest of their Alpha Zeta family, which includes graduated alumni and other members of the fraternity, even faculty members!  Most families end up doing events over the semester such as hold family dinners dinners or do community service events together.  

Bigs also help their littles write their debate papers that they need to defend at the end of the new members process to become full-members of the fraternity.  Bigs get to bond with their littles over the semester and craft for them, which includes but is not limited to creating picture frames, momento boxes, or paddles.  Most bigs are not only mentors and friends, but become  something like an older sibling, to their littles.  Many of the alumni come back for this traditional event and the "family" bonds are truly visible with the amount of brotherhood within the fraternity.


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