Chapter Activity Reports

First New Member Meeting and Applebees

First New Member Meeting and Applebees

Originally posted by Aubrey B. Weibel

Author: Alpha Zeta/Tuesday, February 26, 2013/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

Right after the first brother meeting of the semester, it is traditional for the new members to learn about the fraternity, watch a video, and make sure that they want to pledge. As a part of this, the brothers take them out to a local Applebees for half price appetizers. This is a chance for the new members to meet the brothers in an informal setting and really decide if pledging is right for them. The brothers also meet all the potential new members for the semester and see if they click with any in particular - so they can ask to be their "big brother" for the semester. This is one of the brothers' favorite events, and the new members love it as well, because who doesn't love a good milkshake at half price? We generally get a party of 60 people to go to Applebees and take over a large section of the restaurant.

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