Chapter Activity Reports

Ice Cream Social

Originally posted by Aubrey B. Weibel

Author: Alpha Zeta/Tuesday, February 26, 2013/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!!! Every child has sung that song and when we get older our love for ice cream does not go away. It is delicious regardless of the season and when enjoyed in good company, it is priceless. Ice Cream Social is one of our newer rush events and has proven to be quite a hit. Brothers bring toppings such as caramel and chocolate syrup, whipped cream, reese’s pieces, m & ms and other goodies to put on top of either the vanilla or chocolate ice cream provided and once again the brothers mix and mingle with any rushes that come out to the event. An average of twenty new members attend this event and many of these twenty like what they see and end up becoming new members of the fraternity. This year the event was held February 7th, 2013, the day after our business casual general mixer which is the perfect day to hold it because it allows people who attended the event the day before to ask any remaining questions and to confirm for themselves once more that they really are interested in joining this organization. For others, it may be the first rush event they are attending and the welcoming environment and tasty snack convinces them that this organization may be right for them.

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