Chapter Activity Reports

NC Spring 2013 Rush Events

NC Spring 2013 Rush Events

Originally posted by Ashley J. Kirby

Author: Alpha Zeta/Saturday, February 2, 2013/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

On Tuesday January 29th, we held our first Rush event in the Bragaw residence hall activity room.  We had 6 potential candidates come out at 6pm to get to know us and receive applications.  Our committee heads and officers spoke on our many activities, and then we showed a slide show of activities. We enjoyed baked ziti prepared by Censor Jamie Parham and deserts made by brothers.  32 brothers were in attendance.

On Wednesday January 30th, we had our second rush event where 5 potential candidates requested applications.  31 brothers brought their own homemade dishes for a potluck feast in Williams Hall.

On Thursday January 31st, we had our final rush event in the Williams Hall.  We had 9 potential candidates come learn more about us.  19 brothers attended and we began to get excited about this semester’s Candidate Education Week. Brothers talked with interested students while eating Little Caesar’s Pizza.  We also had Chocolate Chip cookies and other desserts that were made by several other brothers.

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