Chapter Activity Reports

NC Spring Social Dinners

Originally posted by Ashley J. Kirby

Author: Alpha Zeta/Friday, February 1, 2013/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

The North Carolina Chapter loves fellowship and food. Before the meeting on Wednesday January 23rd, thirty brothers shared a wonderful meal including deviled eggs, pigs-in-a-blanket, fried chicken, green beans, cup cakes and other delicious dishes.  Everyone was responsible for bringing a dish. We enjoyed catching up with each other about winter break activities.  It is great for brothers to have a chance to catch up at the beginning of the semester and before meetings. The social committee also organized an ice-skating trip to occur at 5pm on January 27th.  Unfortunately the Ice House closed early that day, so seven brothers decided to have dinner at Outback Steakhouse instead. Even though they were unable to skate, everyone had fun.

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