Chapter Activity Reports

AZ Cornell-Rush Week Broomball

AZ Cornell-Rush Week Broomball

Originally posted by Sara K. Orlowski

Author: Alpha Zeta/Saturday, January 26, 2013/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

It’s the first week of the semester and the second week of rush and everyone at the Cornell Chapter knows what that means…BROOMBALL! Over the years, broomball, which for those of you who don’t know is sort of like hockey without skates, has become a tradition for the house and a way to recruit new members. Who doesn’t enjoy sliding around on ice, in the middle of winter, especially in upstate NY! This year, we had about twenty active members as well as many friends and students from Cornell joined together for a very competitive game. Even though both the red and the blue times claim that the won, we were able to join together at the end and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate and a good laugh about all the battle wounds we would have the next day. We are looking forward to broomball next year!

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