Chapter Activity Reports

Celebrating with our Alpha Zeta Honors students!

Celebrating with our Alpha Zeta Honors students!

Originally posted by Rafael Sierra Curbelo

Author: Alpha Zeta/Friday, January 25, 2013/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

The effort, dedication, responsibility and hard work become part of the merits and characteristics that describe an honor student. The Faculty of Agriculture in the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Campus wanted to reward the honors of their students. The faculty organized an activity in where the honor students of all departments were presented to celebrate this important goal and to receive a certificate for the good academic performance during the academic year 2011-2012. Alpha zeta has the privilege of having members of different departments that received merits for their efforts. Students around the faculty and also Alpha Zeta members were distributed in Programs like General Agriculture, Agronomy, Horticulture, Animal Industry, Agriculture Machinery Technology, Pre- Veterinary, Crops Protection and Agribusiness. We had the privilege to share with important university authorities like the rector of our campus, the dean and director of the Agriculture Faculty and the director of the food safety area of Goya Puerto Rico’s Company. The activity was an excellent mechanism to maintain the student’s motivation and persuasion to continue their studies and complete their goals.  The ceremony concludes with the certificates due. One of them comes from our faculty and the other one from our Chancellor that wanted to reward the Alpha Zeta member’s effort in their studies and also as active members in the fraternity.

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