Chapter Activity Reports

NY Ag Society Meeting

NY Ag Society Meeting

Originally posted by Sara K. Orlowski

Author: Alpha Zeta/Wednesday, January 23, 2013/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

On January 10th 2013, three members of the Cornell Chapter of Alpha Zeta attended the New York State Agricultural Society meeting held in Syracuse, NY. The day was filled with many networking opportunities, inspirational speakers and local food that was donated to the Ag Society.

Sara Orlowski ’14, Chelsea VanAcker ’14 and Emmaline Long ’12 were in attendance to present the Ag Promotion Award to Christine Fesko and Fun on the Farm (Ontario County). The Cornell chapter co-sponsored the award along with the American Farmland Trust as well as the NY FFA foundation. This award recognizes individuals and groups on their effort to improve the understanding of agriculture in their communities much like what the Cornell chapter strives to do everyday. It was an honor for the three members in attendance to present such an honorable award, especially to Christine Fesko who will be a speaker at the 2013 NALC.

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