Chapter Activity Reports

NC Officer Bonding and Leadership Workshop

Originally Posted By Sara N. Fleming

Author: Mike Cooke/Sunday, January 5, 2014/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

On Friday August 16th, Chancellor Alvey of the North Carolina Chapter hosted a team-building workshop for the officer team. First all five officers participated in a breakfast at I-hop at 8:30 am with one of the advisors who shared her experiences as a brother and gave us advice for the upcoming here. Next all five officers participated in various tasks from 10 am to 3 pm at the newly built Hunt Library on NC state Universitiy’s centennial campus. The officers separately and collaboratively created lists of goals and comments regarding what activities they thought needed updating or reorganizing. The officers were given opportunities to work together to complete other fun tasks such as a leadership style/personality test and then Chancellor Alvey led us in a discussion to prepare us for this semester.  We discussed how we have worked well together, what steps we could take to improve teamwork, as well as details for close events.  For a lunch break and some general social time the officers enjoyed lunch at Mitch’s Tavern on Hillsborough Street. 

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