Chapter Activity Reports

Homecoming Charity Bed Races

Homecoming Charity Bed Races

Originally posted by Aubrey B. Weibel

Author: Alpha Zeta/Wednesday, December 12, 2012/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

As part of Rutgers' Homecoming spirit week, Cook Chapter participated in the annual Bed Races. Each group was given a hospital bed and a week. The purpose was to pick a theme and decorate both your bed and your racers in that theme. Cook Chapter this year decided on the farming/Wizard of Oz theme. Our name was spelled out in corn husks on the front, while corn stalks grew out of the bed posts. Our bed rider dressed up as the wicked witch of the west, even coloring her face green. Each team has two people running and pushing the bed and one person on it. Other themes included the Rugrats, where the bed was Raptar, the Blue Man Group, Nintendo, and Christmas.

In order to enter the race, each group was required to donate 10 new umbrellas for the school children of New Brunswick, who have to walk to school in the rain and snow. Prizes were awarded to the teams with the fastest time, best decorations, and the most donations. The total number of umbrellas donated was over 1200.

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