Chapter Activity Reports

NC Fall 2012 Candidate Education Week

NC Fall 2012 Candidate Education Week

Originally posted by Ashley J. Kirby

Author: Alpha Zeta/Thursday, October 4, 2012/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

New Member Education Week is held every semester after candidates for membership are chosen. This week started on September 23rd and lasted until Friday, September 28th.  The purpose of Candidate Education Week is to teach perspective brothers the importance of teamwork to accomplish a common goal. The candidates are presented with a series of challenges in which they must learn about agriculture, find out information about the fraternity’s history as well as current activities, get to know current brothers, introduce themselves to alumni, and come together as a team. Candidates find out how close brothers are, and brothers have an opportunity to get to know candidates. The candidates are given opportunities to show their individual knowledge, talents and creativity. The week concluded on Friday at the farm of alumni, Amanda Langdon. When everyone arrived, we ate a wonderful dinner of pork chops, potatoes, green beans, and bread. This week is very important to growing our chapter and all thirty-one active brothers participated regularly. About forty alumni came back to visit throughout the week. We finished the week by welcoming seven very strong and dedicated new brothers into our Brotherhood!


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