Chapter Activity Reports

NC First Alumni Speaker

NC First Alumni Speaker

Originally posted by Ashley J. Kirby

Author: Alpha Zeta/Thursday, October 4, 2012/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

The North Carolina Chapter is lucky to have such a supportive network of alumni both locally and internationally. Alumni frequently come back for chapter meetings and sponsor events such as Agriculture Awareness Week on campus. Members of the Leadership and Government Relations Committee have been looking for ways to involve more alumni in chapter activities. The committee is working with advisors to coordinate an alumni speaker series. Our first speaker, Rory Roten met with the 35 brothers on August 29th at 7:30pm.

            Rory is a Research Associate for the Department of Crop Science at NC State University. He explained what he does and why he enjoys his job. He emphasized benefits of working for the university such as opportunities to teach or travel. Mr. Roten was a very active member of the North Carolina Chapter for five years, serving as Censor and Social Committee Chair. He continued to work with the chapter as Senior Advisor and is now the national Alumni Representative. He shared inspiring stories of how he learned from other brothers in the crop science field who have helped him find jobs. Brothers were very interested in learning more about his upcoming trip to New Zealand and asked him questions about his experiences. Rory encouraged the brothers to attend conferences such as NALC to meet people from other chapters. The alumni speaker series is a great opportunity to network with alumni in various fields. It also highlights the accomplishments of some of our talented alumni.

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