NC Museum Grand Opening
Originally posted by Ashley J. Kirby
Author: Alpha Zeta/Sunday, May 13, 2012/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog
Friday April 20th through Saturday April 21st, the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences hosted a 24-hour grand opening for its new Nature Research Center. Eight brothers as well as alumni volunteered to assist the museum with the opening. Around 45,000 people came through the museum during the opening. Brothers worked at various exhibits to help educate the public about science or help with crowd control. A few brothers had the opportunity to volunteer with the new veterinary Window of Animal Health and a new One Health Exhibit. This was a great experience for those who wish to apply to veterinary school in the future. The One Health exhibit educates the public on the health impacts of human-animal interactions in areas such as agriculture. Brothers had the opportunity to both educate and learn from others.