Chapter Activity Reports

Professional Development Presentations 3/25/2012

Originally posted by Emily R. Tompkins

Author: Alpha Zeta/Wednesday, March 28, 2012/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

Alpha Zeta Cornell’s Professional Development committee arranged a series of presentations for our weekly meeting on March 25th. Featured members were Anna Smith ’13 and Danielle Sanok ’13. Anna, currently employed by Career Services at Cornell, gave a helpful seminar on resume building, which included a lecture with helpful tips and tools, and a breakout session in which members peer-reviewed each other’s resumes. Danielle, representative of, gave members a tour of the website and demonstrated its relevance and ease of use to members. Anna and Danielle exceeded expectations in regards to providing members with new useful information to aid in the career search. Pledges were allowed to attend this segment of the meeting so that they, too, could benefit.

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