Chapter Activity Reports

19 AZP Members Return from 6 Weeks of Study Abroad in Brazil

19 AZP Members Return from 6 Weeks of Study Abroad in Brazil

Originally posted by Katilyn D. Stevens

Author: Alpha Zeta/Tuesday, March 6, 2012/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

Each year, about 20 members of the Townshend Chapter of AZ (AZP) spend six weeks studying abroad in Brazil at the Universidad de Sao Paulo-ESALQ. This program takes a great deal of commitment from our in country hosts, Ana Victoria, Andre, and Shirota, as well as our advisor, Jill Pfister. Months of planning and problem solving goes into making these short six weeks of travel possible. Due to this planning and commitment, the 19 students that had the opportunity to travel were able to enhance their leadership, cultural diversity, and communication skills through an educational and extremely fun study abroad. Not only do the students benefit, but the chapter does as well. These new members are now more committed than ever to helping the community which is exactly what this organization does on a daily basis. Having this experience has opened up the new member’s eyes to a whole new world that requires the support from committed individuals.

Here is a link to the Blogspot that was kept while in country. It describes what was done on a daily basis, how it helped to develop cultural awareness and leadership skills, and community commitment. There are also pictures to match up with each days activities.

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