Chapter Activity Reports

UF Project Makeover Service 2/26/12

UF Project Makeover Service 2/26/12

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

Author: Alpha Zeta/Monday, March 5, 2012/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

Project makeover is a huge service project put on by students out of the University of Florida and founded by a UF student in 2008. The project was held at Chester Shell Elementary this year. The organization raised over $9,000 and used over 1,055 volunteers from UF students to community volunteers helping prune bushes, paint interactive murals, and overall beautify the school over a weekend. The project started on Friday afternoon with the prep work and from then on students from all kinds of organizations filed through helping with whatever task they were assigned. Members of the Florida Chapter got to get involved by using our outdoor side and was assigned tasks in developing the exercise trial as well as weeding and pruning back bushes. The school was revealed to the students, faculty, and staff on Monday with posters encouraging students to do well on the FCAT and the rest of the year. The organization also donated school supplies and gave out new books. All our members had a great time making small changes to the school that will make lasting impressions on each and every person that walks through the halls.

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