Chapter Activity Reports

UF Woodser Social 2/24/12

UF Woodser Social 2/24/12

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

Author: Alpha Zeta/Monday, March 5, 2012/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

With all the smores fixings bought, the Florida Chapter was off to another successful woodser. Every semester we take a road trip to a local campsite in the middle of what seems to be nowhere for our Woodser. We reserved a campground at Kate's Fish Camp where the ranger came out and helped set up our bonfire to make delicious smores! Members gathered around the fire to share stories about their semester and to meet the newest pledges. Even though the weather was scattered showers and not nearly as cold as it is for the AZ members in the north we enjoyed watching the flames dance on the logs allowing us to wind down from the long week as we get ready to head into the last week before our spring break. Woodser is one of the most anticipated events each semester and members cannot wait to gather around a fire and socialize.

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