Chapter Activity Reports

AZP Recruitment Ice Cream Social / Meeting

Originally posted by Katilyn D. Stevens

Author: Alpha Zeta/Tuesday, February 21, 2012/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

Our third recruitment event was an information session in conjunction with a meeting. We ordered pizza and also had the rest of the ice cream and toppings from the previous recruitment sessions. I gave a PowerPoint presentation before the meeting and opened the floor to questions from the prospective members. This was a really great event because there was a large group of current members there to socialize with the prospectives. After the presentation and eating, we continued with our regularly scheduled meeting so they could see what a typical week in AZP would be like -- planning community service events, reviewing socials, and brainstorming for fundraisers. I think this was a great opportunity for both current and prospective members of AZP. Another thing that we discussed at the meeting was our email recruitment tactic -- we split all eligible students by major and gave each current member a small group of students in their major to email and encourage them to join! This worked very well and brought in a large pool of applicants. Forty people were in attendance at this event on January 24, 2012.

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