Chapter Activity Reports

High School Student Seminar for future Jobs and College Education

Originally posted by Paola Luna

Author: Alpha Zeta/Monday, February 6, 2012/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

The chapter was invited to Escuela Prof. Juana Rosario in Aguada were a table was reserved to the chapter so we could inform the high school students what kind of job opportunities they would have with the Agricultural, Animal Science, Soils and other related bachelors degrees that the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Campus offer. The students were informed with one-on-one conversations with students and were also informed with the various brochures that the chapter created. The opportunity was also taken to inform the students about the society and the events the chapter is involved in. No detailed planning was necessary and the brochures were provided by a few chapter members. Additionally a teacher from such school approached the chapter’s table so we could help her in designing a home garden for the school.


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