Chapter Activity Reports

UF Student Organization Fair Recruitment 1/20/12

UF Student Organization Fair Recruitment 1/20/12

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

Author: Alpha Zeta/Sunday, January 22, 2012/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

The University of Florida puts on an annual event for students showcasing a variety of student organizations on campus. The event took place on the colonnade in from of the student union. The event gave the Florida Chapter of Alpha Zeta the opportunity to show individuals that will be invited later this month and other attendees who we are and what we are about. Members got the chance to talk with attendees about AZ, the events we do, and their personal experiences as a member. The event allowed our chapter to personally reach out and meet perspective students! On display was our banner from NALC/Conclave and our trifold with pictures of our events so they could get a real idea of who we are in the college.

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