Chapter Activity Reports

Florida Chapter Pledges at Ronald McDonald House

Florida Chapter Pledges at Ronald McDonald House

Originally Posted By Angely S. Jimenez

Author: Alpha Zeta/Sunday, November 2, 2014/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

On November 2nd pledges went to the Ronald McDonald House to partake in the "Sweets N' Treats" program, where they made brownies and cookies for roughly 30 families. The pledge class completely supplied the ingredients for the event, each bringing in two items. By the time it was over, the pledges had made two batches of brownies, one batch of peanut butter cookies, two batches of Funfetti mini muffins, two batches of sugar cookies, and two batches of chocolate chip cookies. Everything they made was then put into plastic baggies for the families to take with them as they went to visit their children at Shands Hospital.

-Maya Halaly, Pledge Class Service Chair


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