Chapter Activity Reports

Florida Chapter: Pledge Fundraising @ Coldstone!

Florida Chapter: Pledge Fundraising @ Coldstone!

Originally Posted By Angely S. Jimenez

Author: Alpha Zeta/Sunday, November 2, 2014/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

On Oct. 27 through Oct. 29, our pledge class flyered for several hours to promote our fundraising event that happened on Wednesday at Coldstone creamery. We handed out flyers on campus to friends, professors, and classmates. It was a great opportunity for our pledge members to get involved and introduce Alpha Zeta to people.


On Oct. 29, Wednesday, our pledge class held the fundraising event at Coldstone creamery from noon until 10 P.M. where the 10 percent of total day sale goes towards our class. It was an amazing day to enjoy the ice cream with our class and share laughing moments while we raise money! 

 -Ji Lee, Pledge Class Fundraising Chair



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