Chapter Activity Reports

Cornell Chapter: Initiation Weekend Fall 2014

Cornell Chapter: Initiation Weekend Fall 2014

Originally Posted By Natasha A. Bartolotta

Author: Alpha Zeta/Sunday, November 2, 2014/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

Friday, October 24 marked this fall's official initiation ceremony and the end of a successful new member orientation period. After all their time learning the traditions and history of Alpha Zeta both nationally and in our chapter, we are so happy to welcome 7 new members into our fraternity. The formal ceremony took place on Friday night after which each new active was given a special present from their bigs: their very own custom made sweatshirt with AZ letters on it. Each big pair carefully sews these together for their littles. The little also present their bigs with creative "paddles," which can be anything that represents their big's personality. Everyone is always so happy and excited after the ceremony!

After the ceremony, the initiation weekend continued on as all our new members slept in the house to truly feel at home. We had a lot of fun on Saturday participating in a community service project during the day and relaxing at night by watching a house movie. We all cuddled up in our formal room and munched on a lot of yummy local pizza. This year, we decided our house movie would the Emperor's New Groove.

The weekend came to joyous end on Sunday night when our new members were finally able to attend their first house meeting as active members!


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