Chapter Activity Reports

UF Scavenger Hunt 1/17/12

UF Scavenger Hunt 1/17/12

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

Author: Alpha Zeta/Sunday, January 22, 2012/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

The Florida Chapter started off the new semester with a little fun and games. At our first member meeting of the semester our social chair Kaylie Smith put together a scavenger hunt in order to get our members to know each other a little better. We started off the night taking turns introducing ourselves to allow our newest members the opportunity to put names to faces. We were then broken up into 7 teams that had to complete and take pictures of a variety of tasks such as "Tebowing" with the Tebow statue and arm wrestling with a stranger, which took place all across campus. Members sprinted out of the meeting room to start the first task of the semester! All the teams completed the scavenger hunt in time for us to quickly introduce events and opportunities coming up in the semester for each of them to take advantage of! Each of our members had a blast and we are glad to have hit the ground running this semester in AZ!

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