Chapter Activity Reports

It's Holiday Time at the Cornell Chapter!

It's Holiday Time at the Cornell Chapter!

Originally posted by Emmaline A. Long

Author: Alpha Zeta/Saturday, December 10, 2011/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

After Thanksgiving is an especially exciting time for our chapter. Not only is there only one week of classes left, but it’s time to prepare for the holidays! Just like any family, the holiday season at Alpha Zeta is filled with events that help to not only bring in the holiday cheer, but also to improve brothership throughout the house. This holiday season was no different.  In preparation for the holiday season, the house purchased a Christmas tree for display in the formal room and together, members of the house decorated the Christmas tree.  The tree is purchased every year from Moore’s tree farm in Lansing, NY and is decorated with hand-painted bulbs that members made several years ago, as well as blue and gold bulbs. On Monday December 5, all of the members of the house gathered in the formal room for the annual Secret Santa exchange.  With Christmas music playing the background, members of the house opened gifts from their Secret Santa, with holiday cheer definitely in the air. As members of Alpha Zeta prepare for finals, we are constantly reminded how thankful we are for brothership actively in our lives.

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