Chapter Activity Reports

Cornell Chapter Volunteers at Alternative Gift Fair

Cornell Chapter Volunteers at Alternative Gift Fair

Originally posted by Emmaline A. Long

Author: Alpha Zeta/Saturday, December 10, 2011/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

On Thursday December 1, the Society for Social Entrepreneurhsip and Collaborative Action (SSECA) held the 2nd annual Cornell Alternative Gift Fair in the Art Gallery of Willard Straight Hall, the student union building on Cornell’s cmapus. The Alternative Gift Fair is way to avoid stressful holiday shopping and "stuff" accumulation while giving friends and family gifts that support their values. Attendees were able to browse displays from all the participating on campus student organizations, then make donations to the organizations they chose. Donations were recognized with a card describing the gift (e.g. a share of a sheep or goat for a family in need) and the name of the giver. Our chapter supports this annual event by providing volunteers throughout the day. The Fair was organized in part by Charlotte Ambrozek '13, secretary of SSECA, and supported by enthusiastic volunteers from AZ: Katie Wratten '13, Valerie Marcano '12, Tyler Helmann '13, Emmaline Long '12, Gianni Parente '14, John Zeiger '14, Emily Tompkins '14, and Marlene VanEs '11 (past president of SSECA).

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