Chapter Activity Reports

Townshend Chapter Diversity Meal (Indian cuisine) 11/8/11

Originally posted by Katilyn D. Stevens

Author: Alpha Zeta/Sunday, November 27, 2011/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

The Diversity Meal was held in conjunction with the biweekly club meeting and lasted thirty minutes. The food served was Indian cuisine from Indian Kitchen Restaurant. This activity benefited all 45 club members involved in stepping outside of their comfort zones to try new things from another real culture. The AZP chapter was involved to increase diversity within the club and benefited by the increased diversity experiences among it's members. The Diversity Task Force Committee of three club members was responsible for planning and providing the meal with drinks and paper products included. The planning took place three weeks in advance to choose the cuisine and restaurant. The committee chair was responsible for contacting the restaurant for prices and to place the order and pay in advance. Two committee members were responsible for picking up the meal and bringing it to the meeting, along with the drinks. The resources were simply member involvement and monetary contributions.

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