Chapter Activity Reports

UF Canned Food Drive Service 11/15/11

UF Canned Food Drive Service 11/15/11

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

Author: Alpha Zeta/Wednesday, November 16, 2011/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

With the Thanksgiving holiday fast approaching the Florida Chapter decided to be thankful for what we have and pass on the gift of food who are not as fortunate. Members collected cans to donate to the St. Francis House in Gainesville. The St. Francis House is there to provide emergency food, temporary shelter, transitional housing, and related support services in a safe, secure environment for people who find themselves confronted with homelessness and hunger in the Alachua County. The cans will be given to the St. Francis House where they will distribute them to people in need around the area. The event allowed our members to give back to the community and try to change someone's luck one can at a time.

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