Chapter Activity Reports

UF Big/Little Reveal 11/15/11

UF Big/Little Reveal 11/15/11

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

Author: Alpha Zeta/Tuesday, November 15, 2011/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

The big/little reveal is a fun event held every semester where our pledge class gets to find out who their "big" is in an innovative way. The pledges were paired up after a round of speed dating at a previous meeting. The "bigs" and "littles" give the pledge master, Saajan Panikar, their list of their top 3 choices. After the "littles" were paired up with a "big" - an active member who would act as their "go-to" to help them with anything they need even if it is just an ear to listen, the event was set for the reveal. For the event this year a cut-out of an A and a Z was attached to string that was woven around the entire room. On the A was the name of the pledge and on the Z was the name a the member. After all the matches had been made we all enjoyed potluck and got to know each other and our "bigs/littles".

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