Chapter Activity Reports

NC Brothers participate at the Yam Jam

NC Brothers participate at the Yam Jam

Originally posted by Madeline N. Dabolt

Author: Alpha Zeta/Thursday, October 27, 2011/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

At the 2011 Yam Jam on October 15th, 8 brothers traveled to Johnston County and helped glean Sweet Potatoes. Gleaning is when you collect leftover crops that were not picked up when the farmers went through with the tractors. In order to find the sweet potatoes we had to dig with shovels or our hands. The Sweet Potatoes that everyone collected went to the local food shelter where they were distributed to different locations and different homes. It was surprising how relaxing digging in the dirt was. Everyone really enjoyed our ag-related service project that helped a lot of people who depend on the food shelters.

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