Chapter Activity Reports

UF Intramural Indoor Soccer Game 9/14/11

UF Intramural Indoor Soccer Game 9/14/11

Originally posted by Claire D. Page

Author: Alpha Zeta/Thursday, September 15, 2011/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

Intramurals are a fun way to engage in healthy and fun competition between our members and other students in the university. Our social chair, Kaylie Smith put together and intramural indoor soccer team for the Fall semester. Games are co-ed and played every other week on Wednesday. Luckily for the ladies, we had extra people for substitutions but our two hard working men stuck it out the whole game. Members that attended ranged from "pro's" to beginners, making for very fun and interesting game of soccer! Even though we lost our first game while playing a man down, members had a blast and can't wait for the next game on September 28th.

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