Chapter Activity Reports

Florida Chapter Lake Wauburg Challenge Course

Originally Posted By Bailey C. Gamage

Author: Alpha Zeta/Wednesday, October 22, 2014/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

 On Saturday, September 6th the Florida Chapter headed out to one of the hidden gems of the University of Florida: Lake Wauburg.  We participated in a four-hour team building challenge course to help us get to know each other and grow better relationships.  We were broken into two teams and worked through some great yet rigorous activities wherein we had to overcome everything from talking blind folded brothers through obstacles, to getting through a giant “spider web” without touching it.  After four hours of fighting off giant mosquitos we all came together to reflect on our favorite part of the day and what we learned, not only about our chapter as a team, but ourselves as well before retiring to some well deserved BBQ. We are so excited to hopefully go back during the spring semester to take on the high ropes course!


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