Chapter Activity Reports

Puerto Rico Chapter Community Service at the ZOO

Puerto Rico Chapter Community Service at the ZOO

Originally Posted By Jaileen Rivera Montes De Oca

Author: Alpha Zeta/Tuesday, October 21, 2014/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

The Zoológico de Puerto Rico Dr. Juan A. Rivero needs much help dealing with their green areas and other labors. Dependant on the Government for its founds as part of the division of Parques Nacionales, it lacks personnel it needs and is therefore sustained in a great measure by the help of volunteers. Knowing this, members of Alpha Zeta took it upon themselves to give a hand to the personnel that so desperately need it.

 The Zoo is trying to reestablish its seedbed area, but it was covered with weeds and plants that made it impossible to use the structure. With the participation of 8 of its members, Alpha Zeta helped out by cleaning the practically abandoned structure and removing accumulated material in the area. The personnel were in search of unused soil for their plant nursery, and we proudly found some underneath the rubble and weeds. Also, since the day, we visited, on October 19, Puerto Rico was under hurricane surveillance and tropical storm alert, we also helped by putting away objects that could turn into missiles during strong winds.

Also, since the seedbed stands beyond the elephant, Mundi’s area, we were able to say hi and pet her. Mundi is loved by all the Zoo personnel and she is a bit spoiled because of it. According to the rumors, she is a fan of cheesecake and carrot cake, likes to play pranks if you give her your back and she is an excellent fortune teller, since she guessed which team would win in the past FIFA World Cup eight out of ten times!


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