Chapter Activity Reports

Cornell Chapter Hosts "Ag Day"

Cornell Chapter Hosts "Ag Day"

Originally posted by Emmaline A. Long

Author: Alpha Zeta/Sunday, May 1, 2011/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

Every semester, the Cornell Chapter hosts "Ag Day” on the Ag Quad to raise awareness about agriculture on Cornell’s campus. This semester was the largest event yet and included food from local farms, animals, tractors, and clubs/departments from the Ag School. Clubs and Departments who attended included Collegiate FFA, the Cornell Cooperative Extension, the Cornell Vegetable Program, Cargill, and Hortus Forum (the plant science club), among others. Emmaline Long, an active, brought her heritage breed sheep, and a local farm brought fiber goats. Campus cows were also present, and one was used for Cow Chip Bingo. It was held on "Take Your Child to Work Day” so we were not only able to reach out to the Cornell Community, but to around 300 kids as well! Marlene van Es dressed in her corn costume (which has become a tradition) and we even attracted CALS Dean, Dean Boor to our event! (see photo of corn with Dean Boor). All members were involved in the event, as well as around 5 alumni. Money raised will be donated to 4-H and Woodsegde, a retirement community who has a garden for their residents.

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