Chapter Activity Reports

Cal-Epsilon Members Showing Their Scholarship

Cal-Epsilon Members Showing Their Scholarship

Originally Posted By Caitlin E. O'Connell

Author: Alpha Zeta/Monday, October 20, 2014/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

The Cal Epsilon Chapter encourages its members to share pictures of their members demonstrating one of our pillars, scholarship. Scholarship is often overlooked in the fraternity after the initial invitation to join and so the officers like to capture members demonstrating scholarship and share these highlights with others. All members are encouraged to send picture of themselves, or other members, participating in an activity that encompasses a pillar or two to a member of the officer team. The officer team make sure that they get recognized on our Intsagram and Facebook pages. Feel free to follow us on Instagram @alphazeta_fresnostate or like our Facebook to see more. 


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