Chapter Activity Reports


Originally posted by Lauren K. Mabry

Author: Alpha Zeta/Wednesday, April 6, 2011/Categories: Chapter Activity Report Blog

As a chapter we took 22 brothers to the National Agriculture Leadership Conference in St. Louis, MO.  When we arrived on Thursday we had registration during the day to receive our items for the conference, followed by a welcome reception that night.  During the welcome reception we had dinner, icebreakers, banner contest, and an overview of the scheduled plans for the conference.  On Friday, we started off with an internship/career fair where students got to talk with different companies about available jobs and internships.  Later, we broke out into our different agriculture tours which included animal science, plant science, and slow urban food.  Friday night we went to the city museum where we also had dinner.  On Saturday, there were breakout sessions all day until 4:15 and we concluded the night with the banquet.  At the banquet we had dinner, a guest speaker, and awards were presented.  The North Carolina Chapter came home with Chancellor, Censor, and Scribe of the year.  We also won the banner contest against the other chapters.  Altogether, we had a very successful trip and many great memories were made.

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